Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Different Kind of Boredom

The excitement of the holidays having subsided, I dove into the first work week of the new year resolved not to get dragged down. Monday morning, I found myself experiencing boredom - but not from idleness. I was busy, yet bored. My mind swirled with ideas. I mulled over multiple ways to escape this dull state, terrified of the possibility that boredom might crush me to complacency over the winter. I longed to be more active, more time-efficient. I wasn't hyper; I was restless. There had to be something more...
This morning, someone encouraged me to try different hobbies. Then I realized that more to do was not my need. Although I do have vast amounts of energy to make good use of, I also have a mental determination that can far exceed my energy levels. As a result, I am notorious for running myself into the ground.
I realized here that everything I had been contriving was out of selfishness. My ideas were not all necessarily bad ones, but all would have eliminated much time in what is most important to me - my faith, family, and friends. The Lord showed me that I need to be getting the most out of what HE has currently given me to do. He will not give me the next level of challenges until I have (with His help) mastered these. Rather than seeking ways to escape, I need to be seeking ways to excel - here and now!