Sunday, March 31, 2013


   When I have time - which has been hard to come by these days - I enjoy studying out definitions of the individual words in a verse of Scripture.  This helps me so much to take something I've read and memorized many times over and still get more out of it!

Here is a recent analysis that I found very encouraging:

   "Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come" (Proverbs 31:25)

Strength is inherent capacity to manifest energy, to endure, and to resist.

Honour (I love this one) can be described as personal integrity; allegiance to moral principles.

Integrity and Principle both have to do with a commitment being ethical, moral, honest, having good character and conduct, etc.

Endurance, personal depth, a sound mind - the backbone to "stick to your guns" (speaking of allegiance to moral principles, not general stubbornness) are some qualities the Bible names as respectable in a woman - so much so that they are to be just as apparent as her clothing!  

And she shall REJOICE [delight] in time to come...