Thursday, November 1, 2012

Whose God IS the Lord?

  There was a once nation that began by the motto "In God We Trust."  There once was a nation founded "under God" for the purpose of allowing men freedom to do right.  Now right has become wrong; wrong has become right; and there is no one accepted basis on which to measure either.  This once great nation is crumbling - from the inside out.  And there is only one way to fix it - from the inside out.

  America needs missionaries - *unofficial* missionaries to the general population - to the working class...and the non-working class. Do you work a Joe Shmoe job?  God wants to use you right where you are.  As a Christian, your purpose, whatever your occupation may be, is to show others the love of Christ. Your mission field is those with whom you rub shoulders every day. If you are willing, you can reach people that others can't!   However menial your tasks, you can be an example to other believers. You can grow to be humble, selfless, and patient towards people who are arrogant, selfish, and greedy.  You can be an obedient follower of Christ.  This is the difference He calls you to make. Here. Now. With all your might.


  1. I've been feeling really convicted about this lately. My job as a Christian is to be a witness, and I can be a witness just by showing Christ's love to others around me.

    Great post!

  2. I've had a growing burden for this as well. I always feel weird posting about stuff that I am no where new mastering, but doesn't that describe everyone?
